
The Beach Club Collaroy Pro-Am’24


  • Sydney Beach Tennis School is thrilled to announce the upcoming Beach Tennis Tournament scheduled for 9, 10 and 11 of August 2024. Players of all levels are welcome to participate in this exciting event held at our beachfront venue. Get ready to showcase your skills, engage in friendly competition, and enjoy the thrill of beach tennis. Come and join us for a weekend of sun, sand, and intense matches at The beach Club Collaroy Pro-Am'24!

  • Events:

    • BT 10 (IPIN required)

    • Doubles Over 40's

    • Adult and Junior

  • Events:

    • BT50 (IPIN required)

    • Doubles Beginners

    • Doubles Intermediate

    • Doubles Advanced

  • Events

    • BT50 semifinal & final

    • Mixed Doubles Beginner

    • Mixed Doubles Intermediate

    • Mixed Doubles Advanced

    • Doubles over 40's

      Doubles and mixed

    • Beginner

    • Intermediate

    • Advanced

    • Open



A beginner player is someone who is new to the sport and has little experience or training. This player is still learning the basic rules, techniques, and strategies of the game. Typically, beginner players:

  1. Play infrequently, often once a week or less.

  2. Are participating in their first tournament or have limited tournament experience.

  3. Have not advanced to the quarter-finals or beyond in any tournaments they have entered.

  4. Have no background in other racquet sports.


An intermediate player possesses a foundational understanding of the sport and has moved beyond the beginner stage. This player has some experience and demonstrates a moderate level of skill. Typically, intermediate players:

  1. Play regularly, often more than once a week.

  2. Have participated in other tournaments and may have advanced to quarter-finals or semi-finals as begginers.

  3. Exhibit a good grasp of game rules, techniques, and strategies.

  4. Have a background in other racquet sports or have developed proficiency through consistent practice and coaching.

  5. Are comfortable with basic shots and can engage in rallies with some consistency.


An advanced player exhibits a high level of skill, experience, and understanding of the sport. This player consistently demonstrates proficiency and competes effectively at a competitive level. Typically, advanced players:

  1. Play frequently, often several times a week.

  2. Have extensive tournament experience and regularly advance to quarter-finals, semi-finals, or finals.

  3. Exhibit excellent knowledge of game rules, advanced techniques, and complex strategies.

  4. Often have a strong background in racquet sports or have achieved high proficiency through years of dedicated practice and coaching.

  5. Execute a wide range of shots with precision, engage in long rallies, and adapt strategies effectively during play.


A professional player is at the pinnacle of the sport, demonstrating exceptional skill, experience, and dedication. This player competes at the highest levels. Typically, professional players:

  1. Train and play full-time, dedicating significant hours each week to practice, conditioning, and competition.

  2. Regularly participate in major tournaments and frequently advance to the finals or win titles.

  3. Exhibit an in-depth understanding of game rules, advanced techniques, and sophisticated strategies.

  4. Have extensive experience in racquet sports, often starting at a young age and receiving top-level coaching throughout their career.

  5. Execute all types of shots with exceptional precision, maintain high consistency in rallies, and adapt seamlessly to different opponents and conditions.